Over a series of messages and throughout his lifetime, RC Sproul of ‪@ligonier‬ consistently taught that Jesus became impure, sin incarnate, grotesque, obscene, cut off from the Father who couldn’t look upon such a mass of concentrated sin, and that Jesus was damned by God, anathema, cut off and cast into outer darkness.

This is not only refuted in passages like Psalm 22 and 1 Corinthians 12:3, but results in numerous Christological and Soteriological problems, splitting the Trinity and pitting the Father against the Son, corrupting and destroying the very nature of God… not to mention distorting the loving, selfless redemptive work of God for us.

Why did RC make such blasphemous claims? Because he was being consistent with Penal Substitutionary Atonement and Federal Headship, rather than Scripture.

Some may object to our criticism, noting Sproul passed away in 2017. However, his teaching is still widely circulated today and is distorting the Gospel and work of Christ. Should we endanger the living out of respect for one who passed away; one who taught blasphemy? No.


Tell me all about Jesus,
Quote the Bible please,
Speak of all He accomplished,
Just don’t quote RC to me.
Sproul said He was impure.
Called Him sinful and obscene,
Said the Father damned the Son,
Taught lies and blasphemy!

Wait… have you never read,
What the Apostle Paul once said?
No one speaking by the Spirit,
claims God damned the Son.
But you write RC’s words,
Into the margins!

What’s wrong with you people?
So nice and compliant,
Seated in silence,
Desperate to fit in,
You’d crucify Him again!

Tell me all about Jesus,
Quote the Bible please,
Speak of all He accomplished,
Just don’t quote RC to me.
Sproul said He was impure.
Called Him sinful and obscene,
Said the Father damned the Son,
Taught lies and blasphemy!

What’s wrong with you people?
So nice and compliant,
Seated in silence,
Desperate to fit in,
You’d crucify Him again!

Tell me all about Jesus,
Quote the Bible please,
Speak of all He accomplished,
Just don’t quote RC to me.
Sproul said He was impure.
Called Him sinful and obscene,
Said the Father damned the Son,
Taught lies and blasphemy!